fredag 30. mars 2012

Escaping The Fog In The Land Of The Trolls

This is one of my favorite places to go hiking and one of the largest heather highlands in Northern Europe. The landscape reminds me of where I imagine trolls would live. Marsh lands with rolling hills and deep lakes left from the last glacier. Sheep on the hillside, the great views you get from the different tops and of course the bonus is a good workout since you are either going up or down, for the most anyway.

Mom and I did a part of this hike just a couple weeks ago, but we wanted to do the whole round this time when the weather was so nice and the ground had gotten a chance to dry out a bit. Parts of the trail go through wet spots so chances are you’ll get really muddy if it has been raining a lot. We got an early morning start and were out hiking for about 2 hours. The whole round is about 8 km (5 miles). We stopped at the last top to relax in the sun, get a much needed drink of water and eat som fruit we brought with us. The view was gorgeous as always, but extra special today because the fog hanging over the ocean was making a shiny silver strip in the horizon. Since we live right by the ocean it was very nice to get up in the high country where the sun was shining. 

I really wish everyone had a chance to experience this special place!
Enjoy the pictures J  

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